victor tsai September 27, 2024 Principal investigator MYT's project selected for EMSL Large-Scale Research Award!! 本實驗室主持人蔡旻燁獲得美國西北太平洋國家實驗室-環境分子科學實驗室-2024大規模研究資助獎!! victor tsai September 27, 2024 “Understanding PTM Impact on Microbial Amyloid Proteins Through Molecular Simulation This project aims to delve into the molecular mechanisms of microbial amyloid proteins, particularly focusing on the role of post-translational modifications (PTMs) in these processes. Applying a comprehensive approach, researchers will use a transferable coarse-grained biomolecular simulation package to examine protein–protein interaction properties at interfaces. These interactions are pivotal in various microbial functions such as toxicity, signaling, and biofilm formation in plant-associated microbial communities. Researchers will integrate EMSL’s Python-based workflow with the Associative-memory, Water-mediated, Structure, and Energy Model (AWSEM) to predict protein structures and folding patterns for an intuitive analysis, especially for PTM-specific regulation. ” — News on Source: