恭喜本實驗室專題畢業生馬元偉 (Jeff) 以及預研生周芸楚 (Anny) 榮獲2022化學年會-台灣理論計算分子科學學會壁報獎!! Congratulations to Jeff and Anny for winning T2CoMSA Award for poster competition in the 2022 Chemical Society National Meeting!!
恭喜本實驗室專題畢業生林彤祐 (Yoyo) 獲得2022化學年會李長榮化學新秀獎!!Congratulations to Yoyo for winning LCY Group College Student Research Award
MYTLab protein aggregation simulation work is accepted by Front. Mol. Biosci ! 本實驗室的蛋白質聚集研究工作已被接受,即將發表於Front. Mol. Biosci!
Congratulations to my undergrads, Jeff and Yoyo! They are about to publish their first research paper in an SCI journal (Front. Mol. Biosci.)! This work is my first independent work at TKU. The results are all done by my talented undergrads. I am so proud of you!
恭喜元偉與彤祐即將發表研究工作於SCI國際學術期刊 (Front. Mol. Biosci.)。此工作是來到淡江的第一篇獨立研究工作,是『全』淡江陣容!所有結果都是『專題生』完成的喔!真的以你們為榮!
賀! 本實驗室大三生林彤祐 (Yoyo) 獲得科技部大專生專題研究計畫 Congrats! T.-Y. Lin is awarded by MOST for the Research for Undergraduate program.
獲獎題目: 液態-液態相分離之模擬研究: 普里昂蛋白與核酸作用的機制
Award title: Simulation Study of Liquid-liquid phase separation: Mechanism of Prion Protein-Nucleic acids Interactions